The first person who finds the URL to my new blog wins… um, just wins. Hint: it’s really easy to find.

Let me know what you think. It still needs a little work.

–edit– Mere got it! Yeah, it’s Happily Ever After. The link is on the bottom left of the page.

Now everyone go visit the new site and Mere‘s too to cheer her up! –/edit–

–edit2– In reply to Daniel’s comment: the new blog isn’t to replace this one, it’s just my wedding planning blog that I’m doing with my friend Rachelle b/c I have nothing better to do right now :P –/edit 2–

5 Responses

  1. /wedding! I win! Oh yeah! Go me! Unfortunately, the subject of weddings sends me into a deeper state of depression, so um…if you don’t see me commenting much…that’d by why! lol.

    About the job…would that mean I’d have to move to NJ or does AT&T have offices ’round B-more? And that’s pretty cool that your co-worker lived so close to here. Small world indeed. =)

  2. So, you got a new site? Or is that just like a little sub project or something???

    Well it looks good to me :) congrats

  3. Sheesh, and I didn’t even get to find it! LOL. And that’s not fair that you posted this while I was asleep! =P LOL.

    Anyways, that’s a really neat site! =)

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