I think I spoke too soon about the tea tree oil. Well, to be fair, I’m breaking out pretty bad right now because of the weather, so I think it would be a lot worse without the tea tree oil. It certainly works better than anything else I’ve tried, but a cure it is not. I think I’m going to try the Clarisonic brush that has such good reviews.

7 Responses

  1. There isn’t really a cure for break outs and such. I think the best thing that you can do is stick to a healthy diet, drink LOTS of water to keep the PH levels in your skin evened out and use natural products. It works the best for me because I noticed that when I used products like Neutrogena and clean & clear, my skin started to break out. I never had a problem with anything like that but I always kept my face cleaned with these products anyway. Queen Helene products are less expensive but for me, they produce the best results.

    1. I would be happy if I found something that just got rid of my cystic acne. The cyst I had this past weekend was absolutely enormous and disgusting. I’m pretty sure it was infected. A little neosporin cleared it up in a few days, but I would love to prevent those. My bc seems to be the cause, but I can’t go off it because I’ve developed an intolerance for pain killers. *sigh*

  2. Tea Tree Oil has been horrible to me. My zits turn black after using it. :( So far, my saving grace is the Clean and Clear Persa Gel. It is a little drying, but it dries out the zit so you wouldn’t have to pop it (thus leaving a scar). No pain, no scars and for mild acnes, it’s gone overnight! <3<3<3

  3. Oh no… sorry to hear!! I used this olive oil thing before and I broke out on it as well… BUT I didn’t realize that I had to add water or to water it down. So maybe it’s to that kind of method of use as well??

  4. I get very mild acne. I’ve heard Tea tree oil works, only for some people. Good luck finding a better option for you.

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