Lego Land 2024

The fire alarm didn’t go off this time! Actually, Owen was sick the Saturday before we left and the weather was supposed to be unbelievably hot with thunderstorms, so we really lucked out because no one got sick (until we got home) and the weather wasn’t too bad. If anything, it probably helped the crowds […]

New Years 2024

Every year before the new year begins, I look back at past recorded years. Earlier entries have been edited for length. Current year’s at the bottom if you want to skip to that.

New Year Survey 2023-24

1. What did you do in 2023 that you’d never done before? Had laparoscopic surgery2. Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Yes, all done with breastfeeding :D Next year I want to get more involved in DE&I events and the Women of ATS group.3. Did anyone […]

A Day in the Life 2023

Tuesday December 5th, 2023 2am Glenn is sick, he wakes up crying. You go into his room to comfort him. Bryan says he’s been in a bunch of times already. You remind Glenn that you need to sleep and Owen is in the room with him, so he’s not alone. He goes back to sleep. […]

Wildwood 2023

We went in August, but I suppose I forgot to make a post. We didn’t stay very long, four days, three nights. Lyn came with us which made dealing with Glenn easier. Our fist day, we headed to the beach after checking in. The water was nice and warm and the sand was super soft. […]


So after 20 years of painful periods, I found out for sure that I have endometriosis. I went to the dr because I was having terrible pain on my left side during my periods. They did an ultrasound and found my ovary was covered in endometriomas. Fun! I had surgery today. Lyn, who is probably […]

Happy New Year 2023

Every year before the new year begins, I look back at past recorded years. Earlier entries have been edited for length. Current year’s at the bottom if you want to skip to that.

New Year Survey 2022-23

1. What did you do in 2022 that you’d never done before? Bought a new car all by myself. Went to a work party by myself even though I knew I didn’t really know anyone there. 2. Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I did see […]

A Day in the Life of Lissy

Tuesday,  November 22, 2022 You wake up, you were having a dream about The Great Movie Ride. You have to go to the bathroom,  you look at your watch, 5:50, ugh, it can wait … nope,  nope,  it can’t. You get up and go, but then you fall back asleep right away. 6:50am Your alarm […]

Disney 2022

We were off to a rough start before we even left. Owen was a little sick, so if course I got sick while I was in Disney plus I had my period. Then Glenn threw up on me while we were at Hollywood Studios Friday, but I’m getting ahead of myself.