Disney 2021

Oh gosh, what a trip. Even before we left, things were crazy. My mom was in a car accident and my parents couldn’t go, so we changed all their reservations to my MIL at the last minute. And thank goodness she came. I don’t know what we would have done without her. It would have […]


LEGOLAND New York opened this year and we were of the first to stay in the new LEGOLAND hotel this past week. The kids are really into Legos so we figured we couldn’t go wrong. Glenn had heard us talking about it and kept asking to go to Lego Land every day even though he […]

For the First Time in Forever

Last post I wrote that Glenn was sleeping better. That didn’t last long. They’ve been driving me nuts at night and Glenn’s been waking me up again. I wish I had any idea why. I hope it’s just a phase. Now that Bryan and I have been vaccinated, we’re venturing out of the house again. […]

Glenn is Two

I can’t believe my little baby is two already. Glenn cracks us up. My MIL was telling him, “you can’t be two, we have to go backwards now” and Glenn proceeded to walk out of the room backwards. He just told me a knock knock joke: “boo” “boo who?” “Boo boo, ha ha ha. Boo […]

Covid Toe

I have covid toe. No, not really, but the dr I went to thinks I might. I explained I haven’t been exposed as no one around me, including four other adults have gotten sick. He still wanted me to get tested, even though my toes had been like this for six weeks. And he prescribed […]

New Year 2021

Every year before the new year begins, I look back at past recorded years. Earlier entries have been edited for length. Current year’s at the bottom if you want to skip to that.

New Year Survey 2020

1. What did you do in 2020 that you’d never done before? Stayed home for months.2. Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Um, apparently I didn’t make any last year. But I got two azure certifications this year, so yay me anyway. Next year I want […]

Last Bit of Summer

I had a dream last night that not only were we dealing with the pandemic, but nazis too. Then I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep because I realized it wasn’t all that far off from reality. A few years ago, I thought the one thing everyone could agree on was that nazis […]

The Stinky Cheese Man

Glenn got his MMR vaccine a couple weeks ago and was soon a pile of misery for days. He had so much trouble sleeping and eating. It’s been rough. He seems to be pretty normal now. And then our bathtub broke and we had to call an emergency plumber. And then this storm hit and […]